Administered by The College of Professional and Global Education (PaGE), Open University allows members of the community to access Cal State LA's quality university teaching without formally enrolling in the university as part of a degree-granting program.
Individuals who benefit from taking classes through Open University include:
- Community members who are interested in taking courses in diverse subjects to pursue personal areas of interest or expand their professional skills
- Students who have left the university with a need to increase their GPA in order to be considered for reinstatement
- Students planning to enter a post-baccalaureate or graduate program who need to fulfill prerequisite courses or improve their GPA
- Returned U.S. Veterans interested in applying for their benefits as they embark on their academic careers
Non-Cal State LA students will enroll in Summer Session 2025 through Open University. More information will be available soon.
Registration Procedures
- Complete and submit the Open University Intent to Enroll Form*. (The form is forthcoming.) If you are interested in additional courses, email Cal State LA's College of Professional and Global Education (PaGE) Student Services with the course name, number, and section after submitting the Intent to Enroll Form. Include your full name in all emails.
- After submitting the form, please allow 2-3 business days to receive the instructor's contact information and your Campus Identification Number (CIN).
- Students must contact each instructor to request a permit be issued in GET (Golden Eagle Territory), the Cal State LA Student Portal, for their course(s). A permit is also required for labs and activities. If you have been issued a permit, email PaGE Student Services with the approved course(s) list. The College of Professional and Global Education (PaGE) will provide contact information for instructors.
- Once the permit is in place (see the above steps), a payment link will be forwarded to submit your payment. The cost per unit is $320.
- Paying with a debit/credit card will incur a Non-Refundable 2.65% service fee.
- If paying with a check, please make checks payable to Cal State LA. Submit payment through Cal State LA's One-Stop Financial Services. It is important to include your CIN on your check.
5. Once payment is received, PaGE will proceed with enrollment.
*Enrollment is processed based on seat availability.
How to Apply Credit to a Degree
Bachelor's Degree Programs: Up to 24 credits earned through Open University can go toward a bachelor's degree.
Master's Degree Programs: Up to nine (9) credits earned through Open University may be applied toward a master's degree and/or credential program with department pre-approval.
- Students may take up to 18 credits per semester. They may not enroll in directed or independent study, research, thesis, fieldwork, cooperative education courses, or courses with the suffix "R."
- Students planning to enroll in graduate courses (5000-level) must obtain a memo from the appropriate department chair authorizing the enrollment and submit it to PaGE Enrollment Services.
- Students who have been formally admitted to the University must be on inactive status for at least one semester before they may attend Open University. This requirement applies to disqualified, out-of-state, international, and resident students.
- Open University students must also comply with University and department regulations regarding prerequisites, withdrawals, grading, and student conduct.
Students enrolled in credit-bearing courses through Open University are entitled to a refund when they follow the campus-established procedures to drop classes or withdraw from courses as outlined below.
The Petition Withdrawal Request (drop form) can be obtained here. Appropriate instructor and department chair (as needed) signatures are required. Once approvals are received, please forward that information to PaGE Enrollment Services.
Students who drop a course or withdraw after the start of the semester will receive a pro-rated refund of registration fees. The pro-rated refund is based on the date the Course/Program Withdrawal and Request for Refund Form are received in the PaGE office.
A $10 administrative fee will be withheld from all refunds unless withdrawal is the result of a campus regulation, compulsory military service, disability, death of the student, or class cancellation by the College of Professional and Global Education (PaGE).
Refund checks will be mailed to the address noted on the Course/Program Withdrawal and Request for Refund Form. The refund checks are mailed approximately 4-6 weeks after the request is received. See the Open University Registration Form for refund deadline dates. For Daily Refund Proration Table details, please visit Cal State LA's One-Stop Financial Services.
Please note add/drop deadlines.
For established programs, students must drop courses or withdraw before the first day of classes to receive a 100% refund of registration fees less a $10.00 administrative fee. A signed Course/Program Withdrawal and Request for Refund Form dated before the first day of class must be emailed to PaGE Enrollment Services in order to obtain a 100% refund.
Students who drop a course or withdraw from a program after the start of the semester will receive a pro-rata refund of registration fees. The pro-rata refund is based on the date on which the Course/Program Withdrawal and Request for Refund Form are received in the PaGE office.
A $10.00 administrative fee will be withheld from all refunds unless withdrawal is the result of a campus regulation, compulsory military service, disability, death of the student, or class cancellation by the College of Professional and Global Education.
Refund checks will be mailed to the address noted on the Course/Program Withdrawal and Request for Refund Form. The refund checks are mailed approximately four to six weeks after the request is received by the College. Visit the University Scheduling Office webpage for Important Dates and Deadlines. For Daily Refund Proration, The One-Stop Financial Service Website has a Daily Refund Proration Table for your use.
To purchase Open University course materials, please visit the University Bookstore.
For information about parking on campus, please visit Cal State LA Parking Information.
Please visit the University Records Office webpage for all transcript requests or call (323) 343-3873.
1. Can international students take Open University classes and get an I-20?
An international student can take Open University classes, but only if a current I-20 has been issued by another college or university. I-20s are not eligible to be issued with an enrollment via Open University. The normal rules for Open University registration apply (get instructor's signature and department approval stamp for each class).
2. How do I audit Open University courses?
Obtain approval in the Enrollment Services Center for (PaGE), University Student Union, Room 105, before paying fees and no later than the add deadline of any term. Regular attendance is expected, but auditors are not permitted to complete assignments or take examinations.
3. How do I take a traditional graded course for credit/non-credit?
Fill out the "Request for Nontraditional Grading" form at the Enrollment Services Center for (PaGE), University Student Union, Room 105. Next, get approval from Cal State LA's Office of Enrollment Services at Administration 409. Then pay your fees at the Cashier's Office at Administration 128. Class attendance and participation in exams are required.
For more information, visit the College of Professional and Global Education's Enrollment Services Office located at:
Cal State LA Downtown
801 South Grand Avenue, 3rd floor Welcome Center
Office Hours: Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
For assistance, contact us at (213) 873-1351 or via email.